Friday, September 4, 2020
MARY DOUGLAS' NATURAL SYMBOLS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
MARY DOUGLAS' NATURAL SYMBOLS - Research Paper Example As indicated by Douglas, characteristic images are a significant determinant of the idea of social and strict ceremonies rehearsed by all societies around the world. These regular images could be gotten from â€Å"blood, breath or excrement†and every last one of them has a social importance and suggestion. Utilizing these substantial images, the decisions, inclinations and view of each culture can be examined. As per Mary Douglas, the manner in which an individual treats his/her body clarifies his/her view of the general public. The chains of importance existing in a general public are a lot of like how a human treats his different organs. She clarifies: According to one, the body will in general be considered as an organ of correspondence. The significant distractions will be with its working viably; the connection of head to subordinate individuals will be a model of the focal control framework, the most loved allegories of statecraft will harp upon the progression of blood in the supply routes, food and the reclamation of solidarity. As per another, however the body will likewise be viewed as a vehicle of life, it will be defenseless in various ways. The perils to it will come†¦ from inability to control the nature of what it assimilates through the openings; dread of harming, insurance of limits, antipathy for substantial waste items and clinical hypothesis that charges visit cleansing. Another again will be extremely down to earth about the potential employments of substantial rejects, exceptionally cool about reusing waste issue and about the result from such practices. The qualification between the life inside the body and the body that conveys it will hold no intrigue. In the control, zones of these general public contentions about soul and matter will barely emerge. In any case, at the opposite finish of the range †¦ an alternate disposition will be seen. Here the body isn't essentially the vehicle of life, forever will be viewed as s imply otherworldly and the body as immaterial issue. Here we can find millennial propensities from our initial history to the current day. For these individuals society shows up as a framework that doesn't work. (Douglas 1996, 16-17) The Body, Religion and Anthropology In her book, Douglas clarifies how the ceremonial examples of a culture can be determined through their body imagery. This book inspects religion from an anthropological viewpoint, clarifying the ceremonial and communist standards existent in all societies. In this manner, so as to comprehend a culture genuinely, an exhaustive investigation of the common images happening in the general public is required. Sarah Coakley writes in Religion and the body: Anthropologists have for quite some time been keen on thoughts regarding the body. In this manner, in the nineteenth-century human studies, the centrality of the thought of ‘race’ included point by point investigations of the groups of ‘primitives†™. European colonialism made conceivable, and developmental hypotheses of progress supported and benefited from, the nitty gritty portrayal and arrangement of sorts of European and non-European bodies.1 As is apparent, the body shapes a significant component of every anthropological investigation that focus on an appropriate examination of a given culture. As indicated by Coakley, before the finish of the nineteenth century, examines concentrating on the â€Å"symbolic parts of the body in crude cultures†turned out to be progressively predominant. It was accepted that such an examination would let us know â€Å"something significant of the human mind†2. Mary Douglas isn't the just one to have expounded on the criticalness of substantial images in human sciences. Numerous different works, similar to those of Benthall and Pohemus, Blacking and so forth have drawn out the significance of the â€Å"Anthropology of the Body†. Be that as it may, Douglas’ wor k remains the most mainstream as far as the two its scholastic worth and fascinating thoughts. Harries (1993) deciphers regular images as follows, By characteristic images, I
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement Essay
Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement - Essay Example Tragically, not every person realizes that the Harlem Renaissance was one of the fundamental wellsprings of intensity taking care of the fast extension of the Civil Rights Movement and choices in America. It ought to be noticed, that the Harlem Renaissance rose as a particular social development some place during the 1920s. The birthplaces of the Harlem Renaissance development could be followed to the Harlem neighborhood in New York City, where dark craftsmen, artists, and workmanship experts assembled with the objective of changing the nature and history of bigotry in America. Despite the fact that the Harlem Renaissance development reached its end during the 1930s, its social and racial fairness inheritances kept on enduring. The Harlem Renaissance delivered significant impacts in the way of life and open cognizance in America and got one of the significant drivers of the national Civil Rights Movement. The impacts of the Harlem Renaissance period on American culture have been rich ly settled. Notwithstanding, various analysts see the connection between the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement in an unexpected way. Educator Richard Powell accepts that the Harlem Renaissance influenced the governmental issues of the Civil Rights Movement in two unique manners. From one viewpoint, the Harlem Renaissance was, presumably, the first run through throughout the entire existence of present day America when high contrast intelligent people worked together towards a shared objective (PBS, 1998). The Harlem Renaissance brought highly contrasting craftsmen, scholarly people, instructors and social activists together trying to change the bigot and truly isolated American culture (PBS, 1998). The Harlem Renaissance didn't take out the most obsolete racial convictions and made it simpler for social activists to battle against isolation and racial maltreatment (PBS, 1998). Extremely, the quick development of African American expressions changed the American social scene and changed the arrangement of race relations in the nation (Kramer, 2009). Individuals from both white and dark races cooperated to diminish and wipe out racial generalizations and make a progressively positive picture of African Americans (Kramer, 2009). The talked about participation in the long run got one of the enduring inheritances of the Harlem Renaissance and one of the significant preconditions for the development of the Civil Rights Movement. Then again, the Harlem Renaissance changed the idea of political relations and life in America during the 1950s. The Harlem Renaissance brought about the advancement of new information about Black Nationalism (PBS, 1998). Marcus Garvey was one of the principal political activists of the Harlem Renaissance who built up a lot of â€Å"back to Africa†thoughts, trailed by the thoughts of Negroes’ financial and social confinement in the American culture lastly to the second when, without precedent for the historical backdrop of America, Negroes at long last considered themselves to be an unmistakable yet not disconnected political and social network inside the United States (PBS, 1998). Teacher Jeffrey Stewart includes that the Harlem Renaissance was a one of a kind instrument of making a positive picture of African Americans through the broad communications and innovative craftsmanship (PBS, 1998). This is likewise what Professor William Drummond says: the Harlem Renaissance was the period and the significant driver of the resurrection of the Negro individuals and the formation of the New Negro. By the start of the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans had adequate information and capacity to battle for their privileges effectively and successfully.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Case Note and Legal Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Case Note and Legal Problem - Essay Example Note that evaluation cutoff times in this module are carefully implemented. This implies in the event that you complete or hand an appraisal in late it won't check except if: a) There is a legitimate purpose behind the delay; and b) The evaluation can be turned in before any others are returned; and c) An augmentation has been officially affirmed. Augmentation demands must be turned in/messaged to the KLS office before the cutoff time. 1) Case note (pick one of the alternatives): a) Milner v Cunardâ [2010] EWCA Civ 389 Your note ought to clarify the realities and choice of the case, its pertinence to the region of law it falls inside and its legitimate centrality. It ought to likewise deliver how it identifies with or potentially builds up the standards from whatever other important cases that you have examined, just as the more extensive subjects of the module. b) French and Others v The Chief Constable of Sussex Police [2006] EWCA Civ 312 Your note ought to clarify the realities and result of the case, its importance to the zone of law it falls inside and any lawful hugeness it has. Attempt likewise to relate it to different cases that you have contemplated and think about the case with regards to the more extensive subjects of the module. The cases and other significant records for this piece of the evaluation (remembering direction for case note composing) are accessible on moodle. Instances of case notes have been given in the required and further perusing for this module †you should re-read these (and others) to get a sign of the sort of composing style you ought to embrace when composing a case note. All materials utilized ought to be accurately referenced. Data on referencing will be given in the 'How to Succeed in Law' address in week 10 and furthermore in the Monday address for LW315 in week 11. You can likewise take a gander at (and do an online instructional exercise on) KLS's favored style, OSCOLA, by following the connections from http://ww 2) Problem question: In 2010, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) broadcast another ability challenge called ‘X Factor Talent!’ ?100,000 prize cash was to be granted to the triumphant demonstration. ‘XFT!’ was received as the official trademark of the show and significant big name, Byron Powell, was contracted as the primary appointed authority for a fixed term charge of ?180,000, settled in advance. On the off chance that the show was effective, the BBC planned to offer it to other TV organizes abroad. The BBC gave a press proclamation saying, ‘We are pleased that Powell has consented to go along with us - without him the show would not be close to as well known with the review public’. The five-night arrangement was to comprise of three broadcast live 'warms' trailed by one semi-last and a last, and all hopefuls marked an agreement with the BBC affirming that they would perform and submit t o the principles of the agreement. The agreement likewise specified that the BBC would give 'all sufficient gear and assurance in regards to which it has been advised is required by the entertainers ahead of time' and would 'play out any fundamental wellbeing checks'. The BBC utilized nearby woodworkers to manufacture a lot of 20 closets and sliding entryways for the changing areas behind the stage. Bodge-it was charged to fabricate 20 x 10 foot outlines with entryway sprinters at an expense of ?1,800 and expert entryway creators, Leg-it consented to manufacture sliding ways to fit the edges utilizing European Oak, which has an unmistakable grain, at an all out expense of ?10,000. Leg-it was informed that Byron Powell
A Persuasive Research Proposal for Fellowship
A Persuasive Research Proposal for Fellowship An association proposition is a convincing portrayal of a contention for why the predetermined task is to be supported. The proposition ought to be amazing and alluring and it ought to contain all the highlights to seek after the position that it has the right to be financed. Coming up next are a portion of the tips and rules to compose a powerful research proposition for association: It ought to be remembered that an examination proposition ought not be long yet it must contain clear objectives and targets and all the data identified with the foundation of the subject. All the focuses must be clear, efficient and very much engaged. One must be prepared to answer the major and significant inquiries while making the proposition. A short and reduced proposition is liked and is in every case more hard to compose than a long proposition. The most proper approach to begin a proposition is to compose a starting passage that features the primary concerns and highlights of the subject. The requirement for financing ought to be referenced plainly and with reason. The expansion of the person’s own capabilities and involvement with planning of the proposition ought to be referenced as it shows energy and devotion of that individual. The goals that are being advanced for the proposition ought to be explicit, quantifiable, inflexible, solid, substantial and sensible. Similarly the contention that one is advancing should present a solid defense for why he/she ought to be put resources into or subsidized as a scientist. A decent cooperation proposition doesn’t require a stuffed reference index. It isn't obligatory that an individual who is making a proposition ought to experience every single site identified with the point. Or maybe he ought to be very much peruse and have an intensive comprehension of his work. The partnership proposition isn't just implied for the individuals who are identified with the scholarly field yet in addition anyone that might be a wellspring of the assets. So it ought to be remembered that the title of the proposition ought to be basic, eye snappy and reasonable for the wide scope of crowd. The choice models for the exploration ought to be watched cautiously before presenting the proposition. It is suggested that one ought to make an individual board and request that they grade the application against every basis. This will assist with understanding the solid just as feeble purposes of the proposition. The presentation of the exploration proposition for association ought to be lovely and alluring. The text dimension, composing and edge lines ought to be fitting. This will show your advantage and commitment to the work. The intense sort will feature the significant words. The headings fill in as a chapter by chapter guide in the proposition and the edges make the proposition to be perused without any problem. The composing style isn't determined. It changes with various determination of styles. The most significant purpose of making an exploration proposition is to ‘Be Honest’. One ought to ask himself first whether he will meet the targets and objectives that are being assigned in a given time period. There ought to be no ambiguities in the targets or title of the proposition. You can without much of a stretch purchase an examination proposition on the web, exclusively composed without any preparation by our PhD degree holding specialists. Make the most of our expert composing administration now!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tjs Product Mix Free Essays
Outline of the Problem: TJ’s, Inc. , makes three nut blends available to be purchased to basic food item chains situated in the Southeast. The three blends, alluded as the Regular Mix, Deluxe Mix, Holiday Mix. We will compose a custom paper test on Tjs Product Mix or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Presently TJ’s is focused on utilizing the accessible nuts to boost benefit of the fall seasons, and they should fulfill the got orders. Critical thinking Approach: This issue was tackled utilizing Excel Solver LP Programming. The choice factors are pounds of each sort of Mix. The target work was an equation of benefit commitment for each Mix. The imperatives are the nuts bought the accompanying shipment and the requests that should be fulfilled. The accompanying sums up the factors and coefficients of the numerical model: Variable or CoefficientUnit of MeasureDescription RPoundsPounds of Regular Mix DPoundsPounds of Deluxe Mix HPoundsPounds of Holiday Mix DescriptionRegularDeluxe HolidayShipment amountCost per shipment Orders (Pounds)1000030005000 Almond Consist percentage0. 15 0. 20 0. 25 60007500 Brazil Consist percentage0. 5 0. 20 0. 15 75007125 Filbert Consist percentage0. 25 0. 20 0. 15 75006750 Pecan Consist percentage0. 10 0. 20 0. 25 60007200 Walnut Consist percentage0. 25 0. 20 0. 20 75007875 Profit (Dollars) ( exclude cost of nuts) 1. 6522. 25 coming up next is the scientific plan of the issue: Maximize1. 65R+2D+2. 25HObjective capacity Subject to: 0. 15R+0. 2D+0. 25H= 10000 Deluxe 10625= 3000 Holiday5000= 5000 Constrains2Nuts Used Available Almond6000 Step by step instructions to refer to Tjs Product Mix, Essay models
Friday, August 7, 2020
A Damn Good Dawg - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
A Damn Good Dawg - UGA Undergraduate Admissions A Damn Good Dawg Yesterday, a beloved member of the UGA community and the schools mascot, Uga VII, passed away. While it may seem a little odd for a university community to mourn the passing of a dog, the Uga mascot has been a well-loved and honored dog. The Uga mascot has graced the cover of Sports Illustrated when he was named the nations top mascot in 1997, had a small role in the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and attended the Heisman trophy presentation with Herschel Walker. A few years ago, my family and I were able to go onto the field before the UGA-Marshall game, and while the football game, the food and the whole event were great, my kids favorite part was getting to see Uga and his dog house on the sidelines. Our hearts go out to the UGA community and the Seiler family. Uga VII, you will be missed. As the Bulldog nation says, you were a damn good dog!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Challenges Faced With Supply Chain Management Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Strong Bridge provides solution for all consulting and advisory related requirements. We have developed complete integrated business solution, which can handle sales, purchase, inventory, customer loyalty programs, front store management and central store with warehousing for clients in industries like Retail and Distribution, Finance and Insurance, Service and Healthcare. With Strong Bridges Supply Chain Management (SCM) services, businesses are able to plan, implement, optimize and control their supply chains better than ever before. Strong Bridges SCM approach is beneficial to client in Reduction of Inventory Carrying Cost, Improving Purchasing Power, Retaining the client, Reducing pilferage and improving overall efficiency of the business operations. Strong Bridge supply chain management (SCM) systems are used to manage the movement of products and services from dealers to consumers. These systems are used to manage demand, warehouses, trade logistics, transportation, and other issues concerning facilities, and movement and transformation of materials on their way to customers. Strong Bridge Supply Chain Management solutions also include functionality for international trade and logistics, demand management, supplier relationship management and service parts planning. Strongbridges Supply chain management system is most efficient and when it comes to international transportation facilities. Challenges in Supply Chain Management SCM has become a necessity especially for manufacturing industry when it comes to deliver products at a competitive cost and at a higher quality than their competitors. Todays business climate has rapidly changed and has become more competitive as ever in nature. Businesses now not only need to operate at a lower cost to compete, it must also develop its own core competencies to distinguish itself from competitors and stand out in the market. In creating the competitive edge, companies need to divert its resources to focus on what they do best and outsource the process and task that is not important to the overall objective of the company. SCM has allowed company to reconsideration their entire process and reorganize it so that they can focus on its core competencies and outsource practices that are not within the core competencies of the firm. Due to the current expensive market, it is the only way for a business to continue. The stratagem of applying SCM will not only impac t their market positioning but also strategic decision on choosing the right partners, resources and manpower. By focusing on core competencies also will allow the company to create niches and specialization of core areas. In order for your company to sustain relevant in todays marketplace, it is essential to continually look to evolve your supply chain process. Enterprises that prosper and minimize their costs while maximizing their revenues and keeping clients happy recognize that this practice of constant supply chain growth depends on on well thought out and well applied redesign efforts to perform more efficient supply chain planning. Strong Bridge Supply chain system helps client to fill customer orders, to track the physical location or status of goods and materials, and manage their flows effectively and subsequently supports in managing both the aspects of planning and execution. Strong Bridge provides effective SCP with the support of the system has a dependable proc ess for collecting up-to-date information about customer orders, production status, and sales and delivery fulfilments. Strong Bridge Expertise We take very wide spectrum engagements in the supply chain practice. We can help clients take very operational action to straightaway improve supply chain performance indicators, such as delivery accuracy or flexibility. We can also help with more long-term changes such as defining a new supply chain strategy or determining optimal locations for plants and distribution centres. Our client sees an opportunity for increased sales and/or lower cost through better supply chain performance. Across the Operations Practice, generalist consultants and practice specialists work side-by-side. Generalist consultants join Strong Bridge directly after business school, or have a few years experience, and can take on projects across different functional themes. When we staff an engagement team we take into account what is required for the specific situation. The practice has an immense global reach and ability to pull in people and knowledge from across the world. We come from all imaginabl e sectors: retail, high tech, automotive, pharmaceutical and chemicals, even aerospace and defence organizations. We are distinctive in what we do. We work with Clients and Collaborate to develop New Knowledge. We always start by understanding the root causes for missed performance targets. Strong Bridge puts a significant amount of resource into knowledge development, often in cooperation with our clients. Supply chain is a fast moving area, and working so closely with the leading global companies, in combination with heavy investment in our internal knowledge initiatives, allows us to keep pace with development. Strong Bridge strategy We offer Supply Chain Management services to the operations department of clients organization in various functionalities like research and development, engineering, production, materials, plant management, delivery, purchase, and shipping, to name a few. It helps people in operations to attain results by ensuring the delivery of quality products on time to the right place. Strong Bridge strategy supports the creditable services meeting the needs of businesses throughout the world. Our experience working with both small and large organizations has developed our services in assessing and presenting service options to suit your needs. We recognize the dynamic requirements of our clients and develop business models to accommodate their needs. Strong Bridge SCM Services delivers value added services which strengthen the supply chain process ultimately providing clients with greater efficiencies. Our supply chain strategy offers solutions for companies in a range of industries and helps our clients gain a unique perspective, which comes from working together with service providers and clients alike. Strongbridge offers its clients. Demand Chain Management Strongbridge demand chain management benefits in management of upstream and downstream contacts between suppliers and customers to deliver the best value to the customer at the least cost to the demand chain as a whole. Our demand chain system is a tool to bridge the gap between the customer relationship management and the supply chain management. Our supply chain processes are managed to deliver best value according to the demand of the customers. Demand planning service offered by strong Bridge helps you determine which products and how much of these must be produced at which particular point in time so that all customer orders will be fulfilled or served promptly. Our Performance practice can develop and manage your entire demand chain the strategies, people, and systems. By identifying the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that drive your demand chain, we can help you constantly determine whats working or not. Strong Bridge can help your com pany become a Demand Chain Leader. Companies large or small in size can become Demand Chain Leaders and move their company beyond Supply Chain Management. Demand Chain Leadership results in increased customer satisfaction, increased revenue, and increased profit levels on the bottom line. Demand Chain Leadership sets your company apart from the competition and gives you the competitive edge for growth. Integrated Business Planning (IBP) It refers to the technologies, applications and processes of connecting the planning function across the enterprise to improve organizational alignment and financial performance. IBP accurately represents a holistic model of the company in order to link strategic planning and operational planning with financial planning. We deploy IBP and help clients to leverage the organizations information assets to evaluate plans and activities based on the true economic impact of each consideration. Our IBP service transforms planning into a decisive competitive advantage by: Providing an integrated planning platform across marketing, operations and finance Generating a holistic understanding of performance drivers Quantifying the financial impact and interdependencies across planning alternatives Optimizing strategic planning and resource allocation Balancing sales and operations planning for profitability Quantifying financial risk Increasing busi ness flexibility Supply Chain Optimization Strong Bridge also helps in optimizing your supply chain by combining resources in a supply chain with the intent of eliminating bottlenecks and other problems that interfere with the process and helping the supply chain function in a more smooth, timely and cost-effective manner. We use various methods to analyse supply chain data and create simulations that help supply chain planners make decisions that help them reach their goals more effectively. We can alert our clients beforehand who want to pursue a course of action that wouldnt be feasible based on available resources saving them precious time and money and helps them to decide on an alternate course of action that would allow them to achieve the objective they wish to achieve through other means. Our client preference and demand become one of the key importance factors for optimizing the supply chain system. The globalization of applications such as marketing and distribution has led to the creation of the global sup ply chain and added additional layers of complexity to the process. Strong Bridge can support in minimizing these complexities. How Does Supply Chain Optimization Solve Problems Our Supply chain optimization not only helps in improving customer satisfaction, but also keeping their supply chain costs to a minimum. Specifically, optimizing your supply chain is done with the purpose of eliminating or at least minimizing the supply chain issues that would normally arise when either time or resources are limited. Because it takes time to acquire materials, manufacture products, and deliver these products to customers, and even the largest and most established companies have limited resources for performing these activities, a considerable effort must be made in order to keep customers happy. This effort begins with advanced and detailed planning, and continues with effective execution of that plan. However, even under the best of circumstances, problems arise. Supply chain optimization attempts to systematically prevent those problems from arising or to provide solutions to them if they do occur. Supply chain optimization efforts make use of strong Bri dge models that helps to represent how these internal and external factors (constraints) relate to the companys desired objectives. Benefits of Supply Chain Optimization Supply chain optimization encompasses the entire process of combining resources in a supply chain with the intent of streamlining the process and leading to faster, more efficient and more profitable results. Supply chain optimization uses models and planning to formulate solutions to internal problems and external problems. Internal supply chain problems can take the form of complex decisions that the supply chain planner has to make, while external problems stem from the supply chain itself. SB SCM optimization helps in synchronizing concurrent planning, planning levels, and real-time planning and execution. Taking advantage of these services is a crucial part of ensuring that your business remains profitable and your customers remain happy. Enterprise Resource Planning The goal of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems is the successful integration of a companys data and processes in to a single unified system. Vendors can observe highest benefit by consolidating both SCM and ERP systems. Suppliers observe more value added by opting for both supply chain and Enterprise resource planning. Supply chain management (SCM) along with enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, means more than getting the right resources to the right place at the right time. It also means optimally tuning the sequence of events involved in producing goods and distributing them to customers. Our supply chain management system (SCM) has the potential to become a critical success factor for implementing lean manufacturing and helps to define product structure, costing information, financial information and reports and is a useful tool in the decision-making process. The SCM features of Strong Bridge assists you in streamlining your operations to make t hem more efficient and cost-effective. We provide our supply chain offerings to both manufacturing and service organizations. It has emerged as the new key to productivity and competitiveness of manufacturing and service enterprises. Strong Bridge Advantage We assist you in solving the complex problems of just-in-time manufacturing, inventory reduction, and efficient manufacture and delivery of goods to outdo your competitors. Increase top-line profit growth through supplier collaboration. Increase customer service and decrease stock-outs. Reduce inventory carrying costs. Optimize your value chain for cost reduction and profit improvement. Reduce operating costs, corporate-wide. Increase competitiveness. Create supply chain visibility, including among trading partners. Adapt quickly to changing market conditions and adjust accordingly without detrimental customer impact. Determining product price and availability, determining alternate product logistics, and ensuring that manufacturing materials are available when needed. Maximizing the effectiveness Reducing the number of products returned.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Conformity in Fahrenheit 451 - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 692 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Fahrenheit 451 Essay Ray Bradbury Essay Did you like this example? Come on, Christina. Everybodys doing it. Its fine! Christina knew that it was not right, but everyone was doing it. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Conformity in Fahrenheit 451" essay for you Create order Whats the problem with it? This is a common issue that most everybody will be faced with. Do I give in or do I stand up for what I believe in? This is the same problem that Guy Montag faces. Does he read the books that he thinks will give him truth and knowledge, which is against the law, or does he not in fear that he would be caught? This common issue is conformity, or a type of social influence involving change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group in response to real (involving the physical presence of others) or imagined (involving the pressure of social norms/expectations) group pressure (McLeod). Ray Bradbury develops the theme of In a battle between doing what is right and conforming to society, both options cause actions that can have a negative result, by having Montag go through a big decision about whether to commit to books. In the beginning of the novel, the theme is introduced through Clarisse, who sparks the conflict in Montag in which he can choose books or society. We can immediately sense the pressure of conformity mounting upon Montag, as shown on page 21, where it says, He felt his body divide itself into a hotness and a coldness, a softness and a hardness, a trembling and a not trembling, the two halves grinding one upon the other (Bradbury 21). He is wrestling with the pressures of being a member of society and being active in it, but at the same time, his gut instinct is telling him that something is messed up in the world that they live in (Fahrenheit 451 Clarisse McClellan Quotes). He must decide whether to lead a life with books, which is illegal and could get him arrested and his house burnt, or to just live as society tells him to (to conform). The theme is refined by him wrestling with his options as the novel progresses. If he chooses to go along with society, he knows he will live an unhappy and unsatisfied life. In Part II, Montag tells Faber, We have everything we need to be happy, but we arent happy. Somethings missing (Bradbury 78). This shows how if he went back to society, then he, like everyone around him, wouldnt be happy. He knows that his society is missing something, and he would later learn from Faber that it is the information contained in books. Also, if he went back, he would probably continue to have a stressed relationship with his wife. The theme is fully developed by the end by Montag choosing the books over everything else and him feeling the effects of his decision. If Montag followed his heart and his books, then his house could be burned (it in fact is) and he could be arrested. He ultimately decides to follow this path, with the guidance of Faber. However, it still ends poorly for him as Mildred, his wife, calls an alarm on him. He is forced to burn his house, and he is arrested. He resists the arrest, and in a rage of fury he murders Beatty. Montag now must go on the run as a fugitive, all because he wanted to save his books and deviate from the normal standard. Bradbury writes, But he was still crying and that had to be finished. He hadnt wanted to kill anyone, not even Beatty. Im sorry, Im sorry, oh God, sorry (116). It is hard to argue that being a fugitive and losing everything is a positive thing, and Montag has lost everything because he fought for what he believed in. So, Christina, dont feel like there is one perfect option. There are negatives to going with the flow and standing out, but there are also positives to both. While the effects of both might not be on the same scale as Montags, it is important to always weigh your options. There is nothing that is not all white or all black. Rather, it is a shade of grey.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Police and alcohol abuse Free Essay Example, 1250 words
These include work related stress, poor leadership in the policing departments and police culture. Occupational stress is the main cause of high rate of alcohol abuse in the police (Amaranto, et al 2003). According to Walker et al (1993), occupational stress is a condition that arises from negative perception of a particular phenomenon in the environment, and is aggravated by poor coping mechanisms resulting to adverse psychological and physical impacts on a person. Walker et al (1993) argued that police occupation is high stress job and the pressure originates from diverse sources directly and indirectly associated with policing. The major causes of stress include poor relations between the police and the community, legal procedures such as numerous court appearances, understaffing and prolonged working hours in the job which deny the officers sufficient time for relaxation. In addition, the profession is high risk, which exposes the officers to elevated incidents of physical harm. These adverse working conditions are often aggravated by poor or lack of support from the senior officers to their juniors (Amaranto, et al 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on Police and alcohol abuse or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Lindsay (2008) argues that the increased physical danger for the officers on duty is one of the most common causes of stress, a situation that is not helped by indifference and pressure to perform from the seniors. In policing, Walker et al (1993) indentified family-work conflict and organizational shortcomings in police structure as the major contributors of occupational stress. A study conducted by Lindsay (2008) established that most police organizations lack adequate leadership and support, which cause high level of stress amidst fast organizational transformation. In addition, the internal investigations within the organization and leniency from the civil legal bodies towards criminals were indentified as major causes of occupational stress among the police officers (Lindsay, 2008). For effective law enforcement in society, it is important for the police officers to feel valued for their contribution and receive constant and timely support from the seniors. However, Amaranto et al (2003) established that police officers generally lack acknowledgement and reinforcement from the larger policing structure, causing resentment and resentment in the work place. The poor working conditions demor alize the officers and alcoholism becomes the most appropriate mechanism of coping with their frustrations. In another research study examining the factors that contributes to high levels of alcoholism in the police, Walker, et al (1993) established heavy work load, difficulties in carrying out particular duties and lack of independence in undertaking investigations and other law enforcement duties contributed significantly to high incidences of alcoholism in the police force.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on “Marketing Strategy and Plan for Virgin Mobileâ€Â
Essay on â€Å"Marketing Strategy and Plan for Virgin Mobile†Table of Content 1.0 Executive Summary 3 2.0 Introduction 4 3.0 Environmental Analysis and Audit 4 3.1 PESTEL Analysis 4 3.2 SWOT Analysis 5 3.3 Competition Analysis – Porter’s Five Forces 6 3.4 Product Offering 8 3.5 Product Life Cycle 9 5.0 Marketing Strategy 9 5.1 Mission 10 5.2 Marketing Objectives 10 5.3 Target Markets 10 5.4 Positioning 10 5.5 Segmentation 11 5.6 Ansoff Matrix 11 5.7 BCG Matrix 11 5.8 Distribution Strategy 13 5.9 Marketing Mix 13 6.0 Financial Analysis 15 7.0 Implementation Controls 16 8.0 Corporate Social Responsibility 16 9.0 Contingency Plan 17 10.0 Recommendations 17 References 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is a comprehensive product marketing plan which is aimed at launching virgin laptops and getting it to the end user. The brand name is virgin mobile under the bigger umbrella of virgin group of companies within which virgin laptop will be officially launched and marketed in the United Kingdom (UK). This country has been selected as the target market because Virgin Group is a very successful company within the UK with huge popularity of the brand. The virgin brand is one that is viewed with lots of excitement and many of its products are often most acceptable and successful within the UK (Johnson 2011). Also, this marketing plan further makes an environmental audit of the selected market with much emphasis on the level of competition within the market. This will then be followed up with an analysis of the marketing strategy for virgin laptops as well include in the structu sensu, that is the relevant monitoring and control measures that will help facilitate and achieve the objectives outlined (Kotler 2009). This marketing plan also includes a concise discourse of financial requirements that will be needed for an effective marketing of Virgin Laptops. The conclusion will include valuable recommendations which will involve the need for a 10% contingency fund of the total budget that is meant to be invested into the implementation of the marketing plan in order to facilitate and enhance the future penetration of this product into new markets (Johnson, Whittington Scholes 2011). 2.0 INTRODUCTION Marketing as defined by the Charter Institutes if Marketing (Charted Institutes of Marketing 2011) is â€Å"†¦the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumers’ requirements profitably†. Kotler (Kotler et al 2009: 109) defined a marketing plan as ‘’a written document that summarizes what the marketer has learned about the marketing place and indicates how firm plans to reach its marketing objectives’’. This plan consists of an environmental audit of the personal computer industry in order to ascertain current position with regards to the retail and banking industry and promotion via different resources such as Internet website directories (i.e. SearchWIZ). The plan employed theoretical frameworks like PESTEL and Porter’s FIVE FORCE. The plan analyzed the product offering and life cycle, marketing strategy, target market, positioning, marketing mix as well as implementation and control. It also made use of strategic clock, BCG matrix and Ansoff Matrix to help evaluate the strategic direction of the company and proposed recommendations. 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND AUDIT 3.1 PESTEL The PESTEL analysis of markets aims to evaluate six key features of a new market, namely: a) Political, b) Economical, c) Social, d) Technological, e) Environmental, and f) Legal. According Johnson, Whittington Scholes (2009:56), this is particularly important as these factors will influence either the success or failure of the new product ‘Virgin range of laptops with windows eight (8)’ in the UK. The following is the PESTEL analysis of Virgin laptops for the UK market: a) Political and legal factors: The ever increasing focus of both governmental and non-governmental organisations on the environmental impact of high-tech has led to more stringent environmental regulations on the electronic industry such as RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive (Dalal 2009). Additionally, testing and certification directly affect the supply chains of PC manufacturers which will increase manufacturing cost and lowering profits (Dalal 2009). Other than these key issues, the UK provides a fairly stable political and legal market environment. b) Economic factors: An increase in VAT from 17.5% to 20% in order to tackle budget deficits will increase corporate spending and an increase in the minimum wage to 15.5% will have a positive effect on the demand (HM Revenue and Customs 2011). However this decline will be followed by a gradual increase in terms of market share from an expected 5.4% in 2009 to 4.4% in 2012 (Gartner 2008). c) Social: Factors such as education, preference and income levels affect the purchase of laptops within the UK. The UK is a highly literate society and for that matter the usage of laptops is a part of the norm. For instance, within the UK, consumers spending rises during festive periods and demand for laptops will as well rise (Gartner 2009). d) Technological: Consumer demand for sophisticated gadgets ranging from laptops to phones makes it appropriate the virgin brand to go into laptop production because it offers the sophistication consumers yearn to have. 3.2 SWOT ANALYSIS The Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats or SWOT analysis is one of the most commonly used tools to evaluate the suitability of markets for the launch of a new product. This framework is used to assess the products’ feasibility in meeting market needs as well as available future courses of action that can be exercised to lead to successful introduction of those products(Johnson, Whittington Scholes 2009:119). The following is the SWOT analysis of Virgin laptops for the UK market: a) Strengths: Virgin laptops will meet the expectations of consumers as more emphasis will be placed on the chip that will make processors much smaller and light-weight which is ideal for tablet PCs and Ultrabooks. Thickness – Less than 0.71 inches or 18 millimetres, Weight – Less than 3.1 pounds or 1.41 kg, Battery Life – More than 5 hours, will have Intel’s Rapid start technology and also have flashed based drive for storage (Pinegar 2002). b) Weaknesses: Virgin mobile, although a part of the prominent Virgin group, is not a major player in the market for laptops and personal computers. It has low brand visibility and low brand loyalty which implies that it will take time for this product to be to penetrate into the market. c) Opportunities: The virgin brand is one that is most revered within the UK market and for that matter, what customers feel about the virgin brand will be transferred to virgin laptops and it will therefore help in the marketing of this new product. The internet market has matured since the technology sector continuous to grow even in the wake of the financial downturn (Gartner 2009). d) Threats: The personal computers industry is controlled by five major manufacturers. These are: a) Dell Inc, b) Hewlett-Packard, c) Gateway, d) Lenovo/IBM, and e) Apple Computers with more than 64.2% of market share which will be a threat to this product (Davis 2009). 3.3 COMPETITION ANALYSIS Michael E. Porter’s five forces model for analysing competition is one of the most widely used market analysis tools. As the name suggests, the model focuses on five key forces that influence the competitive environment of a product. The forces are: a) Entry barriers, b) Threats of substitutes, c) Bargaining power of suppliers, d) Buyers bargaining power, and e) Rivalry from established companies offering the same product. The following is the analysis of market competition for Virgin laptops in the UK based on Porter’s Five Forces model: a) Threats of new entrants: The cost of production and distribution are the factors that make entrance high (Johnson, Whittington Scholes 2010). The five main manufacturers are dictating the pace with more than 64.2% of market share (Davis 2009). It implies that new entrants will need to invest so much with low prices in order to compete with market leads (Kotler 2009). b) Threat of substitute products: The threat of substitute is high because there are several alternatives as phones, tablets and this has resulted in low degree of product differentiation (Davis 2009). With continuous technological innovations, products are developed with similar attributes to laptops with each firm manufacturing product that directly competes with competitors which in the end acts as a substitute (Dalal 2009). c) The Bargaining power of buyers: Bargaining power of buyer’s is low due to the fact that companies have what is referred to as brand equity and therefore buyers have in-depth know-how about the products available in the market (Dalal 2009). d) The Bargaining power of suppliers: The microprocessor industry is dominated by Intel technology which holds a market share of over 50 % for the distribution of microprocessors in the market. Consumers usually demand laptops with consistent software and hence as a result of the high degree of product differentiation, changing suppliers becomes difficult which therefore leads to a high supplier power (Anderson 2007) implying moderate bargaining power of suppliers. e) Intensity of rivalry: There is evidence of strong rivalry among dominant companies within the UK because of the fact that they control more than 64.2% of the UK market share and therefore competition levels are very high within this industry (Anderson 2007). Figure 1 illustrated the five forces analysis for Virgin laptops in the UK. Figure 1 With the above, is conclusive that the UK PC industry is a hyper competitive one and new firms will be successful in such an industry if they have the technical expertise and adequate capital and with brand equity being a matter of need, virgin mobile and virgin group as a whole has what it takes to penetrate into the UK market despite some of these challenges. 3.4 PRODUCT OFFERING The company will brand and package products to add to a perceived value of customers (Kotler et al 2009:506).By purchasing the product consumers will get the following benefits: Core Product: Durability, fashionable Actual Product: Customer satisfaction Augmented benefit: Ethical standards linked to fair trade products Source: Style communications Virgin mobile will introduce the following range of laptops: Processor: 2nd generation Intel ® Coreâ„ ¢ i5 (windows 8) i7 processor (2.20 GHz, with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 3.10 GHz)- (windows 8) 6.0 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE The life of most products is segregated into five key phases, namely: a) Product development, b) Product introduction, c) Product growth, d) Product maturity, and e) Product decline. The typical product life cycle is depicted in Figure 2: Figure 2 The above diagram shows that virgin ultra laptops is at the introduction stage but can increase sales revenue by focusing on the brand image of the parent company virgin mobile under virgin group. The product will be at the maturity stage in 3years through rigorous advertisement. 5.0 MARKETING STRATEGY The marketing strategy offers a direction on the ways of getting a product/service to the consumer which is guided by a routine set of duties and responsibilities. For the effective marketing of Virgin laptops, a pre-emptive strategy will be used whereby a general claim is made but with some assertion that one’s brand is superior (Pickton Broderick 2005:427). 5.1 MISSION To offer consumers with intrinsic value of quality durable laptops with greener technology this will come at affordable prices. 5.2 MARKETING OBJECTIVES By introducing a new product line of virgin laptops, virgin mobile aims to achieve the following objectives: Short term: To increase brand awareness by 10% which intended to achieve a market share of 5% from 2012 2013. Medium term: Ensure customer satisfaction by 20% through surveys and product development by 2014. Long term: Launch product in Europe and achieve 6.5% increase in sales between 2014-2015 5.3 TARGET MARKET As a result of increased computer literacy, the demand for laptops with extra features is rising but will be done on a pilot basis; this product will have its target group as university under-graduate students between the ages of 15-24. There will however be a shift to encompass all university students and professionals in the medium and long-terms respectively. 5.4 POSITIONING Strategic positioning involves decisions about setting initial prices of a product(s) in response to competitive challenges in the market (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman Hansen 2009:853). The image is intended to be created as a pre-emptive strategy to help position virgin ultra laptops as is to position the ‘Virgin Laptops with windows eight (8)’ with emphasis placed on its type not being in the market yet with the features it has and yet prices are comparable to current market leads. 5.5 SEGMENTATION IT is important to segregate a product’s target market into segments as this allows better focus of marketing and sales effort on those audiences that are most likely to make a purchase of the product. Virgin range of laptops will target university students and professionals since among these groups, laptops have become necessities rather than wants. Research in the light of the economic recession, demand for laptops is on the rise after a fall in 2008 (Garoia 2010). 5.6 ANSOFF MATRIX Considering Ansoff matrix, Virgin laptops is a new product being introduced in an existing market and therefore categorized under the product development quadrant. The product has a chance of penetrating into the market because of consumers are not only interested in intrinsic value but ethical factors as well (Emerald 2003). With regards to market penetration sales would also be improved by advertisement on brand awareness as well as promotions, discounts, contract laptops, etc. There will be no immediate diversification since the product will need to reach its maturity stage of the product life cycle before diversifying into either related or unrelated products will be considered. Figure 3 highlights the Ansoff Matrix for Virgin laptops for the UK market: BCG MATRIX The BCG Matrix was developed by Boston Consulting Group aimed at assessing business potential and evaluating the market environment. Analysing the BCG matrix above shows virgin laptops with windows eight (8) is among the question mark category because it is at the introduction stage of the product life cycle where market share is normally low. This product has a potential of becoming a star at the growth stage. Figure 4 shows the BCG Matrix for Virgin laptops in the UK market: Figure 4 Source: Sooper Tutorials 5.8 DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Distribution strategy includes selection and management of channel relationships to deliver value to consumers (Kotler et al 2009:853). Our direct distribution channels consist of our website and Virgin Mobile at your Service, our toll-free customer care centre and the use of a third-party retail distribution channels such as Nextel Stores, Target Stores. A four party retail distribution channel also include will place product within their stores to promote sales (Lynch 2008). 5.9 MARKETING MIX PRODUCT: Virgin ultra – laptops will be made-up of Chip that will make processors much smaller and light-weight which is ideal for tablet PCs and Ultrabooks. Thickness – Less than 0.71 inches or 18 millimetres, Weight – Less than 3.1 pounds or 1.41 kg, Battery Life – More than 5 hours, will have Intel’s Rapid start technology and also have flashed based drive for storage with windows eight (8) which is not available in the market presently. This product is also manufactured to be environmentally friendly. This will be very appropriate for the current laptop consumer market. PRICING: Prices will be earmarked to meet middle income earners purchasing levels since most of UK population consider themselves middle or working class people (BBC 2009). This marketing plan will use customer based pricing approach since we aim to penetrate into the market by persuading consumers from switching to virgin range of laptops; Prices: 1 Virgin ultra-laptop 14†(windows eight)  £650 2 Virgin ultra-laptop 15.6†(windows eight)  £700 PLACE: This product will be introduced in UK as a test market which will be followed with a survey to ascertain customer satisfaction and the feedback will influence the launch of the product in the European economies in the long term. PROMOTION: Virgin mobile under the virgin group is a strong brand in the industry but to further increase consumer awareness of its new product line ’virgin laptops’, raise awareness about the new brand under the bigger umbrella of the well-recognised virgin brand, advertisement campaigns will be staged via online and offline marketing communication channels. It also includes advertising on websites as direct communication through blogging Google, yahoo, and gum tree etc. (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman Hansen 2009:711). PEOPLE PROCESS: Virgin mobile has a well-developed marketing department. However, an introduction of a new product requires training on departmental basis to equip workers with the necessary information on the new product. The product will be marketed through existing marketing channels as well as online. A simplified IT approach will be used where a low-touch uniform infrastructure spanning the desktop to the data centre will be employed to the measurement of operational efficiency (Dell 2012). PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: Through billboards, magazines and live TV commercials showcasing the new range of laptops, consumers will get to know the quality and durability of the virgin laptops before the launch of the product in the UK. 6.0 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Price penetration strategy as mentioned in the marketing mix will be employed with an estimated average price pegged at  £550 and  £6500 prices respectively. An average variable cost is estimated at  £400 and  £450 respectively. The initial fixed cost for the production of the virgin range of laptops is estimated at  £5,000,000 and  £6,000,000 respectively which will total  £11,000,000. Virgin laptops intend to start making profit from the 2nd year when the product break even with an increased sale volume of  £3,000,000. 7.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROLS
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Glass Castle By F. Scott Fitzgerald - 845 Words
The repercussions of attaining or lacking money changes based on the situation of the person possessing it . One could use money as an instrument to create happiness in spite of its vile nature. On the other hand one could be corrupted by it based on what it s used for or the impact it has on that person s character. Based on my personal experiences money has always been the one factor that restrains my family from experiencing constant happiness. But that s not necessarily the same situation for every family. In â€Å"The Glass Castle†the Walls family drifted further apart in result of coming across money. The glass castle was an exciting book with a very unique and adventure seeking family. Rex Walls sand Rose Mary Walls were the parents of Jeanette, Lori, and Brian Walls. Initially the family was poor but over time their wealth would increase and decrease creating a series of complications that the family had to face. While encountering wealth, due to the passing away of Rose Mary’s mother who left her a large house in Phoenix and some money, the family felt out of place because they ve become so accustomed to their lifestyle of struggling. â€Å"City life was getting to dad. â€Å"I’m starting to feel like a rat in a maze,†he told me. He hated the way everything in Phoenix was so organized, with time cards, bank accounts, telephone bills, parking meters, tax forms, alarm clocks, PTA meetings, and pollsters knocking on the door and prying into your affairs.†(106) Their fatherShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1689 Words  | 7 Pagesinteract or how society judges them can make them incredibly self-conscious of themselves. The social position of a human can critically affect how someone interacts in society and how they perceive themselves. In The Great Gatsby,by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, and Night by Elie Wiesel all depict how society affects an individual s self - identity by how one perceives someone. Society’s perceptions make people feel obligated to compare themselves in one’s upbringingsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages Managementâ€â€-Study and teaching. 2. Managementâ€â€Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173â€â€dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLSRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 Pagesindividuals have also collaborated with us on case study research or coauthored the case studies that appear in this book: Ron Anderson-Lehman, S. Balaji, Greg Clancy, Tony Easterlin, Jane Fedorowicz, Janis L. Gogan, Dale Goodhue, Vijay Khatri, Scott A. Kincaid, Nicholas Lockwood, Stephen R. Nelson, Kevin Ryan, John Sacco, Rebecca Scholer, Mohan Tatikonda, Iris Vessey, Hugh Watson, Taylor Wells, Bradley Wheeler, Michael Williams, and Barbara Wixom. We have also benefited from several sources
Habeas-Corpus Essay Free Essays
Habeas-corpus is a Latin term which literally means â€Å"you may have the body†. Under the law of England, as a result of long usage, the term came to signify a prerogative writ; a remedy with which a person unlawfully detained sought to be set at liberty. It is mentioned as early as the fourteenth century in England and was formalised in the Habeas-corpus Act of 1679. We will write a custom essay sample on Habeas-Corpus Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The privilege of the use of this writ was regarded as a foundation of human freedom and the British citizen insisted upon this privilege wherever he went whether for business or colonisation. This is how it found a place in the Constitution of the United States when the British colonies in America won their independence and established a new State under that Constitution. In India, under the Constitution, the power to issue a writ of habeas-corpus is vested only in the Supreme Court and the High Courts. The writ is a direction of the Court to a person who is detaining another, commanding him to bring the body of the person in his custody at a specified time to a specified place for a specified purpose. A writ of habeas-corpus has only one purpose: To set at liberty a person who is confined without legal justification: to secure release from confinement of a person unlawfully detained. The writ does not punish the wrongdoer. If the detention is proved unlawful, the person who secures liberty through the writ may proceed against the wrongdoer in any appropriate manner. The writ is issued not only against authorities of the State but also to private individuals or organizations if necessary. How to cite Habeas-Corpus Essay, Essay examples
Challenges Faced Internet Of Things Survey â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Challenges Faced Internet Of Things Survey? Answer: Introduction This part of the research proposal demonstrates some approaches named philosophy of research, research approaches, research design, and techniques of data collection. It will be significant to get appropriate information for effectively resolve the research problem. The major purpose of this research study is to address the effective technique to resolve the challenges of IT Company, Australia in an effective manner. Moreover, researchers will use various articles in the research to make a balance between the research issue and collected information. Moreover, the specified techniques can be supportive to improve the quality as well as the reliability of research by using many techniques of the observations (Highet, et al., 2014). Research Onion Framework The research methodology part includes research approaches, methods, and strategies that will be used by the researcher to collect the accurate information to accomplish the research objectives. Due to this, the researcher will use the research onion framework to create depth understanding about the tools and techniques of research. At the same time, it can also be said that the research onion framework is developed by Saunders to generate the accurate understanding of the research techniques. It will be also effective to improve the research quality in an appropriate manner (Laudon, et al., 2013). The research onion framework will be effective for the researcher because it will be supportive to determine the appropriate tools and techniques along with detail understanding regarding the techniques in a systematic way (Saunders, 2003).By using the onion framework, the research will be conducted in the following way: Research Philosophy Research philosophy plays an imperative role to make the rational reasoning for collecting, analyzing, and operating information in the research. The major aim of research philosophy is to implement the ideas and opinion regarding the research issues in the research. Moreover, the opinion and ideas of researcher become a basis for research methods. The research philosophy includes two kinds of factors such as interpretivism and positivism philosophies. For this research, researchers will use the interpretivism philosophy because research issue is subjective in nature (Leat, et al., 2013). At the same time, the interpretivism philosophy will enable the researchers to analyze and create depth understanding regarding the research issue. Further, interpretivism philosophy will be used by the researcher because of improving the research quality. At the same time, it can also be said that the researcher will not be used the deductive approach because the research is subjective in nature, which cannot be appropriate to imply the deductive approach. In addition to this, it can also be said that the deductive approach is relied on general views and ideas to reach the particular problem. It will be appropriate with the realism philosophy. For this approach, the researcher will develop hypotheses by using many theories and afterward accept and reject them as per the analysis of data (Mackey, et al., 2015). Research Approach The research approach is also crucial in the research methodology because of illustrating the cause to choose the specified research procedure. The research approach considers two elements named inductive and deductive research approach. The inductive approach is used to deeply evaluate the collected data as well as supports to develop the theoretical understanding regarding the research issue. In contrast, the deductive approach is applied to set the hypothetical origination. Besides this, the deductive approach is used to prove the hypothesis in the research. On behalf of the hypothetical plan, a researcher is capable to accept and reject the whole research process in terms of the research subject. For this research, researchers will use the inductive approach because the nature of research is subjective (Myers, 2013). For this research, there is no need of any hypothesis; hence researchers will execute the inductive approach as compared to the deductive approach. Beside this, a research will implement the inductive approach to pool the actual information about the challenges faced by the IRESS Company IT industry in Australia. This research approach is significant to determine the different opinion and values to effectively conclude the findings. In opposition to this, a researcher will not implement the deductive approach because of inappropriate data of the research (Noble, et al., 2014). Research Design A research design will be beneficial for the researcher because of determining the complete research structure effectively. By the implementation of research design, a researcher will be enabled to obtain the effective methods and to create the depth understanding of the research phenomenon for gathering the reliable information. Moreover, it helps the researcher to develop an appropriate planning procedure together with helps to get the accurate information towards the research issue. The quantitative and qualitative method is considered in the research design by the researcher to effectively operate the research (Panneerselvam, 2014). Moreover, the quantitative research relies on numerical data through statistical tools and techniques. Beside this, qualitative research allows to the researcher to develop the new ideas and perception regarding the research issue, which will be supportive resolve the research issue in an appropriate manner. A researcher will implement the qualitative research in this research because the research issue is based on the subjective nature. It will be supportive to create a strong picture towards the research problem as well as gather the appropriate data about the research problem. Moreover, the qualitative method helps the researcher in determining the human behavior together with the factors, which affect the human behaviors. In this research study, the researcher will maintain the objectivity and tried to conduct appropriate tools and techniques to fulfill the objectives of the research (Sekaran, et al., 2016). Research Strategy The research strategy is vital for the researcher because it will be supportive to evaluate the data collection methods and get the suitable outcome. The researcher will use different kinds of research strategy to resolve the issue of the research. These strategies are a case study, survey, focus group, and literature review. For this research, a researcher will implement the case study regarding the issues faced by the IT organization because of eliminating the issues of information technology. By executing this strategy, a researcher will be enabled to analyze the previous data which is related to the research issue or subject. Further, the researcher will use the case study because of analyzing the specified research issue within the limits of an organization (Shah, et al., 2016). Additionally, a researcher will implement the descriptive case study because of determining the major phenomenon regarding the research issue. Beside this, researchers will use the literature review because it will be supportive to create the understanding regarding the research issue. Moreover, a researcher will practice various sources of secondary data collection method named company website, journal, reference books, online sites, reference books, and magazines. It will be supportive to collect the information about the research problem. At the same time, it can also be said that the literature review part is helpful to develop the theoretical framework towards the issues to implement the information technology in the company. Further, these approaches will be supportive for the researcher to improve the accuracy of the result (Smith, 2015). Data Collection Method Data collection method plays a vital role in the research because it enabled the researcher to appropriately collect the data and meet the aim and objectives of the research. The data collection method considers two kinds of methods named primary and secondary data collection method. Primary data collection will be collected by fresh information or first-hand data. It will include different sources like observation, interview, focus group, questionnaire, survey data collection method. Besides this, the secondary data collection method is relied on the existing information, which can be collected through offline sources, journals, books, case study, and company websites to pool the information regarding the research issue (Taylor, et al., 2015). In addition to this, other sources of secondary data collection method are online sources, newspaper, and magazine. For this research, a researcher will implement the secondary data to get the reliable result regarding the research issue. Furthermore, the secondary data is involved the literature review due to getting the accurate result in less time and cost. Sampling Procedure The sampling process is appropriate to choose the sample from the whole population because of obtaining the accurate information regarding the research issue.There are two kinds of methods which can be included by the sampling such as probability and non-probability sampling method. The researcher will execute the probability method to provide the equal chance to the candidates who participate in the research study (Wilson, 2014). Besides this, non-probability method will not be used by the researcher due to the subjective nature of the research issue. For this research, probability sampling method will be used by the researcher because the research is based on the subjective nature. For this research, 40 employees of IRESS Company from different geographical location of Australia will be selected by the researcher to meet the research objectives. Ethical consideration For this research study, ethical consideration consists to conduct the research process in an appropriate manner along with following the guidelines of the University. Due to avoiding the ethical problems, the researcher will execute the ethical way to complete the research as well as to resolve the issue of research. For this research, the researcher will focus on some elements such as the elimination of plagiarism, data manipulation, and accurate referencing. In addition to this, it can also be said that the researcher will maintain the confidential data of the respondents who participate in the research. Estimated problem There are many elements that will be negative impacts on the research project in long-run. For this, the estimated time frameworks will a negative impact on the completion of the research in an appropriate manner. On the other side, it can be said that a researcher will face problem at the time of collection of primary data due to evaluating the respondents at one time. To decline this problem, the researcher will communicate with participants by using the e-mails, and the questionnaire method. Additionally, it will be enabled the researcher to make a positive relationship with respondents to keep the confidential data of respondents because of decline the ethical problems in the research (Zikmund, et al., 2013). Time schedule Table 1: Research plan for completing the project Activities which will be executed A total number of weeks to perform these activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Research issues selection Developing appropriate aim and objectives Primary and secondary data collection Design of the questionnaire Select sample by using the sampling method from the whole population Evaluation of findings Final draft and report writing Final submission of report From the above time schedule, it is addressed the execution of primary and secondary data collection method take more time than the other activities of research. Conclusion As per above interpretation, it can be summarized that IRESS can face many challenges regarding the information technology at the time of operating the business. Moreover, it can also be concluded that researcher will use that interpretivism philosophy because of obtaining the reliable result in specified time and cost. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Pioneer Financial Institutions In Australia-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Pioneer Financial Institutions In Australia? Answer: Introducaation National Australian Bank is one of the pioneer financial institutions in Australia. There are many types of loans that the company offers. For anyone who wants to borrow $8000 for a holiday, they have three main options available- Travel loans with fixed rate of interest- In case of travel loans, the customers have the option to borrow $5000 to $55000, in 1-7 years. There are both fixed and fluctuating rate of interest options. There are several options of repayment. If extra repayment is done, it can be redeemed on the same day. Sanctioning of loan is done on the same day itself. In case the customer borrows $8000 in travel loans, and repays the same in two years, the amount of interest will be in case of fixed rate scheme, where the rate of interest is 14.99%p.a - $1309 and the monthly repayment will be $388. Travel loans are designed keeping in time the travel necessities of the customer. There are options to keep your money safe while travelling, travel with a personal loan or credit card. There are also options available to plan your travel in a better way, with best travel agencies. There is also money saving tips that may be required during travel (, 2017) Personal loans In case of personal loans the customer has the option of both fixed and variable rate of interests. In case the loan is paid off early, there are no exit fees applicable. There are options for online acceptance of documents. The rate of interest charged in case of fixed rate scheme is 14.99%, the monthly instalment is $1309 and the monthly repayment is $388. In case of the variable scheme the rate of interest is 14.69% per annum, the amount of interest is $1281 and the monthly repayment is $387 for two years (, 2017). Both the travel loan and the personal loan, are offering the same rate of interest. However, travel loans are specifically designed for travel related activities. Personal rates can be taken for other purposes also, and there is easy exit option in the same (, 2017). Travel loans with variable rate of interest. In case of travel loans, there are also options of variable rate of interest. Before applying for the loans, it is important that the applicant must be 18 years or old. There must be regular income, must be an Australian citizen and must hold a permanent residency in the country. In order to apply online, the applicant must be an NAB customer. There are options of regular saving scheme in the plan. The details of the customer credit worthiness are also checked before sanctioning the loan. If the details are approved, the loan will be issued in a day only. The variable rate of interest is 14.69%, the total amount of interest that the applicant needs to pay in two years is $1281 and the monthly repayment is $387 for two years. Thus travel loans are more effective because these loans are formed only keeping in mind, the travel related need of the people. These are few options that the customer has in case they want to borrow $8000 for travel related activity. The rate of interest is more or less in all the plans, but we see that in case of travel loans there are more opportunities available thus, the applicant should go for the same. The rate of interest in on the applicant, they can choose what they want (, 2017). References (2017). Personal loans. Available at: . (2017). Travel loans. Available at: (2017). Loans. Available at: (2017). Travel insurance. Available at:
Sunday, March 22, 2020
European Handball free essay sample
European Handball – goal shooting European handball is a unique, high intensity sport which is best described as a combination of netball, soccer and basketball. Two teams with seven players per side verse each other. In order to earn points, the handball must be thrown into the goals; this demonstrates the skill of goal shooting which will be the main focus of this report. Characteristics of basketball are seen in the rule that the player must bounce the ball while running. Defending is a common action in any sport and is seen in European Handball; the team without possession of the ball may attempt to stop the other team from scoring by blocking the path of the player with possession. During the game, the ball is passed around in the style of netball. The sport involves a combination of multiple sports such as soccer (goals), netball (passing) and basketball (court size, bouncing, dribbling) which makes it different to any other sport thus people are intrigued to play and thoroughly enjoy it. We will write a custom essay sample on European Handball or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Explanation of the skill Goal shooting is just like a pass but with more power. The ball must be thrown into the goals. A common technique performed when shooting a goal is the jump shot. The jump shot is where the player is in the air when the shot is made; by doing this the shot is more powerful and more effective. Explanation of the drills 1) The first drill that we will be teaching students in our training session aims to practice the jump shot as it is the most effective way of shooting a goal. For the most effective goal shot, right handed players should push off from and land on their left foot and vice versa. When they are suspended in the air, their body should be stretched with their throwing shoulder back and then the ball should be thrown from the highest point of the jump for maximum effectiveness of the shot at goals. 2) The second drill we will be teaching in our training session aims to practice passing and shooting under pressure through the use of a goalie. Students will get in groups of three and two of them will pass the ball between each other and take shots at goal with a goalie trying to stop them from scoring. To pass the ball students are to use their preferred arm, xtend it behind their head and with force throw overarm to the other player. The goal keeper’s aim is to defend the goals and position them self correctly so any incoming shots can be stopped. They will all stand equal distance apart in a triangular formation. Each student will rotate position until everyone has had a turn at passing and being goalie. This will improve everyone’s passing and defe nding skills. Actions and strategies that contribute to enjoyable participation There are many strategies that can be used and actions that can be taken to make participation more enjoyable. Offering rewards have proven to be an effective strategy used in many sports all around the world. Rewards come in many shapes and forms to appeal to a wide range of participants such as money, various prizes and awards including certificates, medals and trophies. As well as physical rewards to acknowledge achievement, there are many actions that can be performed to encourage enjoyable participation. Praising good behaviour and recognising an athlete’s achievements is incredibly effective in increasing the enjoyment during participation in a sport. Offering your congratulations by shaking their hand, giving them a pat on the back or simply telling them they’ve done a good job can motivate the player and help them to enjoy the sport more. These actions and strategies not only make players enjoy participating but also show aspects of a good coach. Organisations of activities The training session will be made up of various activities and demonstrations and will go for approximately 10 minutes. Warm Up We will begin with a warm up which will consist of a short run and stretches. We will demonstrate appropriate stretches which the students will then complete. First stretching the calf and leg muscles with lunges and swinging legs; then stretching the arm muscles with a shoulder shrug, arm across body, swinging arms, and breathing exercises. This will help get their body and mind ready for the activities. The warm up should run for approximately two minutes. Demonstration and Explanation We will then give a thorough explanation of the skill, explaining how the skill is preformed and techniques students should use to increase their chances of success. A demonstration of the skill and both drills will then be performed so that students can visibly see what it should look like and get an understanding of how to do it. This explanation and demonstration should go for approximately two to three minutes. Drill One The students will then perform the drills. Students will form a line and one by one attempt the jump goal shot. We will check that they’re doing it correctly and offer advice to players on how they can improve. This drill requires the goals, cones, ball and the rope and should run for approximately two to three minutes Drill Two We will then start the second drill. Students are to form groups of threes and go to their own set of goals. The group will have to decide on a defender and two shooters. Students will perform the drill once and we will check that all students are doing it correctly. The players will then rotate positions until everyone has had a go. We will continue giving advice and helping students who are struggling or confused, and will motivate and praise all students. This drill requires goals, cones and balls and should go for two to three minutes Warm Down/ Cool down – The warm down will consist of a slow stretches and various breathing exercises to relax the body and muscles. This will reduce the risk of injuries and sore muscles. Safety measures The safety of all students is the most important. All students are required to follow certain rules and instructions so that their safety is not a risk. Warms Ups and Warms Downs – At the beginning and end of our training session we will get all students to complete a range of stretches. Warm ups are essential as they help assist your circulatory system in pumping blood to your working muscles. The purpose is to steadily increase circulation throughout the body. A correct warm up safely prepares the body for movement and exercise. Cold muscles which have not been properly warmed up are more susceptible to injury. Warm downs relax your muscles and allow your heart rate to slowly return back to normal. Pay attention to demonstrations/ listen to instructions – All students need to pay close attention to the demonstrations and listen when we’re explaining the skills so that they know exactly what to do. If students are not paying attention and then try to perform the skill they could ruin equipment, hurt them self and hurt other students around them. Correct/Appropriate Equipment – European handball requires a specific ball. The ball is not allowed to have a shiny or slippery surface as the player needs to be able to grip the ball to throw a powerful pass. If an incorrect ball is used the players will find it hard to grip onto the ball and throw a powerful pass, and the ball would also be dropped a lot which could result in another player tripping over it and injuring themself. No contacting or unnecessary rough play European handball is a fast paced sport but it is contact free. Players are not allowed to contact one another deliberately. Any student who is acting in an unnecessary behaviour will put themselves and peers at risk of being hurt. Appropriate use of equipment – All students are to act sensible with the equipment that they use whilst participating in the drills. The equipment can cause injury if used incorrectly, and students who do not use it appropriately could also risk damaging it. Supervision of instructors/ teacher – Teachers and instructors (people running the activity) are responsible for the safety of all students participating in the activities. They are expected to supervise all performances so that any errors can be corrects and mistakes can be pointed out. It is a coach’s responsibility to teach their students the correct way to perform a skill in order to remain safe. The safety of the athlete is always the main priority. All of the above points should be followed throughout the whole presentation so that all students are safe and the chance of injury is decreased.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Essays on Coconut Grove Fire
The headline of the Boston Globe said it best, â€Å"Nightclub Burns, Hundreds Dead!†The worst nightclub fire disaster in history occurred more than 60 years before the Station Nightclub fire in Rhode Island. On 28 November 1942, the Coconut Grove Nightclub in Boston burned to the ground, killing 492 and injuring 166. It is believed that the fire started in the basement â€Å"Melody Lounge†section of the club, when 16-year old bus boy, Stanley Tomaszewski, lit a match in order to replace a light bulb. A fire started, fueled by artificial palm trees and crepe paper drapery. In just fifteen minutes, the entire building was engulfed in flames. The reason so many people died in the club was because they were unable to exit the club. The two revolving doors leading into and out of the club were blocked by a mass of frantic patrons. Many of the safety features we take for granted today, such as fire sprinklers, were simply not used in the 1940’s. In addition to the many patrons, workers, and locals, cowboy actor, Charles â€Å"Buck†Jones died in the fire. Many soldiers on military leave were among the dead, others celebrating the Holy Cross defeat of Boston College were victims of a preventable tragedy. As a result of this tragedy, officials took major steps and advancements in fire prevention and control. Occupant capacity placards, exit lights and emergency lighting were all new rules enacted as a result of the fire. Fire sprinklers, a relatively old invention from 1874, came into widespread use as a result of the Coconut Grove. Advancements in history only come about after a catastrophic event such as the Coconut Grove Fire. This tragedy has no doubt saved millions of lives by the tough fire laws it brought about. Hopefully, history will never repeat itself, and we will all live to never see such an event again.... Free Essays on Coconut Grove Fire Free Essays on Coconut Grove Fire The headline of the Boston Globe said it best, â€Å"Nightclub Burns, Hundreds Dead!†The worst nightclub fire disaster in history occurred more than 60 years before the Station Nightclub fire in Rhode Island. On 28 November 1942, the Coconut Grove Nightclub in Boston burned to the ground, killing 492 and injuring 166. It is believed that the fire started in the basement â€Å"Melody Lounge†section of the club, when 16-year old bus boy, Stanley Tomaszewski, lit a match in order to replace a light bulb. A fire started, fueled by artificial palm trees and crepe paper drapery. In just fifteen minutes, the entire building was engulfed in flames. The reason so many people died in the club was because they were unable to exit the club. The two revolving doors leading into and out of the club were blocked by a mass of frantic patrons. Many of the safety features we take for granted today, such as fire sprinklers, were simply not used in the 1940’s. In addition to the many patrons, workers, and locals, cowboy actor, Charles â€Å"Buck†Jones died in the fire. Many soldiers on military leave were among the dead, others celebrating the Holy Cross defeat of Boston College were victims of a preventable tragedy. As a result of this tragedy, officials took major steps and advancements in fire prevention and control. Occupant capacity placards, exit lights and emergency lighting were all new rules enacted as a result of the fire. Fire sprinklers, a relatively old invention from 1874, came into widespread use as a result of the Coconut Grove. Advancements in history only come about after a catastrophic event such as the Coconut Grove Fire. This tragedy has no doubt saved millions of lives by the tough fire laws it brought about. Hopefully, history will never repeat itself, and we will all live to never see such an event again....
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Net Present value Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Net Present value - Essay Example There are various methods available for appraisal of a project like Net Present Value, Pay back period and others. Here we are using NPV and payback method to analyze the project. Let us start with NPV method. NPV method recognizes the fact that a pound today is worth more than a pound tomarrow. NPV is ‘a calculation in dollars of the present value of all future cash flows from a project. It is roughly analogous to the concept of profit.’(Gary Heerkens, page 59) The total production per week is 1000 units and accordingly 52000 units for the year. As per information provided the contribution or profit per units will be  £0.20 and as the sale for the year is 52000 units, total contributions towards profit is  £10400. As the fixed operation cost will get reduced to  £ 20000 on installation of equipment, the contribution after meeting variable cost would be £ 30400 for each of 10 years except for 5th year, when the unit will be closed for overhauling for 4 weeks. In the fifth year the contribution will be  £29600. As there will also be an overhauling cost of  £8000, the net profit will reduce to  £1600 as compared to  £10400 in each year. However, in the 10th year the residual value of equipments of  £1000 will increase the profits to  £11400. These profits represent cash inflows for each year as depreciation on equipment has not been considered for calculation of such profits. These cash flows have been discounted at the rate of 20% (PVIF table multipliers for each year) in order to calculate the present value of cash inflows from the project.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Supreme Court of the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Supreme Court of the US - Essay Example It is evident from the very outset that the small, quiet city of Intrusion is indeed, in a state of panic; a state of affairs that the state is, in fact, responsible for – the protection of life. The suspicion that someone was selling methamphetamine illegally to the locals, more so to the underage [teenagers] and that and a popular life has been lost due to inappropriate use of the said chemical has been proved beyond doubt. I firm the legal principles that give the police department the right to protect life, people and their properties thereof. However, so must be done according to the constitution. In this very case, the state prosecutor advised the police department to talk with the local cell phone carrier about â€Å"cloning†the phone of a suspect, Mr. Doe’s, which was done, in effect, allowing the police to read text messages sent and received by Mr. Doe. In no time the police had evidence implicating Mr. Doe as a dealer and the location of the meth lab, leading to the accused being convicted and his meth lab being closed.  This case requires the explicit legal based decision on whether the interception of Mr. Doe’s text messages via a cloned phone was but an unreasonable search and seizure, exceeding the provisions of the Fourth Amendment. It is important to note that though individual’s privacy is doubt fundamental in this case, the degree to which the principles of search and seizure, more so of crucial evidence, promotes legitimate collective interests must not be lost, for laws enjoyed by every citizen of this nation also carry certain responsibilities (Bond v the United States 539).  Cell phones are important tools of communication, with criminal enterprises included in the same processes.
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